Important graduate advising information:
For all Graduate School regulations and requirements, please visit this link to view the Pinkie Gordon Lane Graduate School's General Catalog.
Be familiar with the handbook, FAQ, etc. on the Grad School's student resources page.
Be very familiar with the information for Master's or PhD students on the CSC pages.
To view your Steps to Graduation, visit (must choose MS or PhD)
Academic Calendars
To view the Graduate School Calendar, visit
January 31st: |
April 3rd: |
April 24th: |
May 30th: |
June 2nd: |
July 16th: |
July 30th: |
Question (Credit Transfer) – “I am a transfer student at LSU for Master's in Computer Science program starting this coming semester. I want to verify what credits can be transferred from my previous institution so that I can plan my schedule here accordingly.”
⇢ Answer: LSU allows transferring up to 12 hours of credit toward the MS program. See are the grad school rules for transfer credits (note: Coursework completed at institutions outside the U.S. is not accepted for transfer credit toward a master’s degree at LSU):
The Grad School only processes transfer credits after the MS student has taken a semester's worth of courses here using this form:
In addition, it is possible to transfer core courses if they are equivalent to courses we offer here. Also, you need to get the instructor’s written approval (e.g., email confirmation) for each course that you want to transfer.
Question (Accelerated Masters Program) – “My name is XXX and I will be entering my final year of my computer science bachelor's program this coming Spring. My professor has mentioned to me that LSU has an accelerated Master's program for Computer Science, so I wanted to reach out to request more information about this program.”
⇢ Answer: Please check the latest form for request for Accelerated Masters Program. First, your GPA needs to be above 3.5 before you apply (the Graduate Credit for Seniors program only requires a 3.0, but dual credits cannot be earned). Second, you will need the signature of a 3+ member committee, as well as that of the Chair. Be aware, you must submit the form by the last day to add courses. You may list courses for future semesters on the form; make a note of the intended semester by the course number.
Question (Prerequisite Overrides for Graduate Students) – XXX is a New Admit. During the welcome call he was trying to schedule CSC XXX but was not able to due to needing a pre-requisite course. Can you assist in adding him to the course or inform him on what needs to be done to schedule the course?
⇢ Answer: Our graduate coordinator, Brandon Trouard, routinely overrides prerequisites for grad students who didn't do their undergrad education here.
Question (Dual Degree Program for Masters and Ph.D.) – I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the dual degree program that allows students to get a master’s degree alongside their Ph.D. program. Could you please let me know what forms and formalities I need to complete to apply for the dual degree program? Additionally, I wanted to know if you have to take 2 exams (one for master's project and another for defense) or if the general exam is sufficient.
⇢ Answer: You need to satisfy the MS degree requirements. See below:
At the same time, you can use the general exam for your master project. So, one exam is enough.
Question (MS Course Selection) – Hey there! My name is XXX and I just recently got admitted to the Computer Science MS program for the coming semester. Mr. Trouard told me to get in contact with you about scheduling. Please get back to me whenever possible and let me know what to do next. Thank you and have a great day.
⇢ Answer: For course selection, please read the following links carefully. It should answer most of your questions.