Coordinator for Undergraduate Initiatives: Juan R. Rodríguez Cepero (
Undergraduate Advisor: William Duncan (
Peer Advising Office Students: Ishaan Acharya, Catherine Rodriquez, Ronald Gibson, Alyx Whipp, Kyla Abshire (
To understand the curriculum flowcharts and to aid you in seeing what courses you will need to sign up for, we've created a video to help you with that process:
Flowcharts are available in the following link. Please make sure to follow the correct flowchart for your catalog year (this is usually the academic year that you started at LSU).
This video walks you through the process of filling out your advising form:
If you still have questions regarding general advising, there is an undergraduate Peer Advising Office, where you can book an appointment with a peer advisor to assist you with filling out your form. We are currently located in Patrick F. Taylor Hall 2341. Please note that you will still need your assigned faculty advisor to approve your schedule before being able to schedule courses. You can contact them at
During your first year at LSU, even if you've declared Computer Science as your major, you will initially be part of either the University College-Freshman Year (UCFY) or the University Center for Advising and Counseling (UCAC). CS majors will be admitted into the College of Engineering once they fulfill the following requirements:
Students who have been admitted to the College of Engineering must fill out the advising form (Computer Science Undergraduate Advising Form ( and send it to their assigned faculty advisor. The form will request the following information:
Please note that even though your form is approved, it will take approximately a day to have your flag lifted, as that still needs to be done manually. It is highly recommended that you begin the advising process as soon as possible before your registration priority opens, in order to avoid issues.
Each student has an advisor that is assigned based on their last name. See below. For example, if your last name is Rodriguez, then your advisor would be Dr. Shepherd.
The list is organized as follows: Last Name Range of Student, Advisor, Advisor's E-mail
Please ensure that the general education courses you are planning to take are accepted by the College as gen-ed requirements. Consult the General Catalog for details.
Technical electives are divided into 2 groups:
Students must pick 1 course from Group A and 1 from either Group A or B. See the General Catalog for course descriptions.
Each concentration has a number of approved area electives divided as follows:
Course titles and descriptions can be found in the General Catalog.
Students wishing to declare a Second Discipline must fill out a Second Discipline form that can be provided by the department's Undergraduate Coordinator, Juan Rodriguez ( This form should be completed ideally before the end of their sophomore year. This form is then sent to the department's Undergraduate Advisor, William Duncan ( for further processing.
A Second Discipline can follow one of the following options:
Students wishing to enroll in an Independent Study course (3991, 3992, 3999, or 4999) must complete an Independent Study form in collaboration with the instructor who will evaluate their work (this can be any CS instructor you would like to work with). This form will be sent to the Undergraduate Coordinator, who will enroll you in the class. You will be unable to enroll in the course on your own. It is highly recommended that Independent Study requests be submitted as early as possible to avoid waiting for additional processes.
Students who wish to change their concentration must fill out a Concentration Change form with the department's Undergraduate Advisor, William Duncan. This form will then be sent to the College of Engineering's Student Services office for further processing.
Major changes are handled by the College of Engineering's Student Services office. You can request a change of major via your assigned College counselor (not to be confused with your faculty advisor). For more information, visit Meet Your Academic Counselor | LSU College of Engineering.
“I have AP credits/transfer credits from another institution. How would these courses transfer to my degree audit?”
“I have a College hold or CATS hold that is not letting me schedule.”